Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Career vs Workholic

Having a career that you enjoy is one of the best things that can happen to you. In this modern life everyone tries to contrive, to be the best in their job, to be the first! Career depend entirely on chances or opportunities. And opportunities are either created or availability.

Well, I have lots of works to do, but work never have been into the top of my priority list. Working all the time doesn't mean you are efficient. If you have been very tired, then continuing to work just make you to make more wrongs. We should cherish our value life, work is necessary, but entertainment is another part of our life

I know the importance of relaxation. Work is important, but there should be something in life which is more important than work, if someone just have work in their lives, they may feel bored, they should get a balance between life and work