Wednesday, April 11, 2007

College or Boyfriend

My sister, mesis has problem, :( because she must chose between college or boyfriend. This decision by father because of her value of the test was ugly. The value descended because broken heart, said mesis. But I have new boyfriend, and this difference. I really love the guy. Mom, please help me said mesis. If having boyfriend for the studying spirit. :x I love my boyfriend very much because he is very much like me, very opinionated and we share the same interests together which is great. We enjoy doing a lot of great things together. We are very comfortable around each other, and when I want to just relax, he's who I want to be with. I guess that's good since we live together!
But the fact is whatever? [-( Your value of the test descended said mom. Please, you followed father's words, this was good for your future, and parents know best for you. Your age was still young, if the partner will later meet again.
Mesis was silent :((